For the wraps:
- 3 or 4 thin slices of cooked beef
- 1 slice of cured ham
- 1 tomato
- ½ small red onion
- ½ red bell pepper
- 3 small slices of cheese (Cheddar, Mimolette or Emmental cheeses)
For the Tex-Mex sauce:
- 4 tbsp of unseasoned tomato sauce
- ½ tsp of honey
- ½ tsp of mustard
- 4 or 5 pinches of paprika powder
- Salt and pepper
Mince the onion finely. Cut the tomato into slices and the bell pepper into sticks.
Cut the slice of ham in 3.
For the sauce, emulsify all the ingredients. Set aside in a cool place. Arrange the slices of meat on your chopping board. Add 1 tsp of sauce on each one before garnishing them with vegetables, cheese and ham. Roll up the slices one by one, securing them with a toothpick. Set aside in a cool place
Tip: Pack the remaining sauce in your MB Temple M sauce container to dip your rolls.