Ingredients for 2 Christmas trees:
8 slices of brown batch bread
4 little slices of smoked salmon
4 slices of Comté cheese
Optional: lemon and fresh cream
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Ingredients for about 25 cookies (diameter 5 cm):
125 g of sugar
60 g of butter
250 g of flour
1 egg
¼ of a baking powder box
Peel of 1/2 lemon
50 g of chocolate
25 little colored chocolate candies
Preparation of the « Christmas tree » sandwiches:
Make toasts with the bread slices.
Cut 3 stars of 3 different sizes using cutting mats. Do this twice. Repeat with the salmon and the Comté cheese.
Build up the « Christmas trees » by alternating bread, salmon and cheese, going from the biggest stars to the smallest.
Fix the tree with a toothpick and put a bit of dill on the top.
You can make a dip with fresh cream, dill and lemon to go along.
To not waste food, reuse surpluses:
- use the toasted bread for breadcrumbs
- make little toasts with the salmon or cut it thinly and add it to the creamy sauce
- grate or cut the cheese thinly to use for your pasta or rice dish
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Preparation of the « reindeer » cookies:
Mix the egg and sugar.
Add in the baking powder, half the flour, melted butter and the lemon peel. Blend.
Knead the dough, adding the rest of the flour, into a smooth ball.
Let rest for one hour in the fridge.
Stretch the dough and cut the cookies with round cutting mats.
Cook on a baking sheet covered with baking paper for 15 to 20 minutes at 150°C.
Allow to cool.
Melt the chocolate in the microwave at low-power position. Using a toothpick to dip in the chocolate form the reindeer antlers.
Take a colored candie to be the nose, place it in the middle of each cookie: a drop of the melted chocolate will fix it in place.
Let set and it’s ready!
Now all you need is to place all these little bite-sized surprises in your bento boxes to share with your family, friends or colleagues! They will be amazed!