Sesame nuggets

mon bento nuggets sesame


Among japanese ingredients, sesam is a very healty grain. Why not trying a sesam nuggets?


This is an easy way to try something we all now, but a bit different!

For this recipe, you’ll need :

–   a piece of chicken breast

–   an egg

–   sesam seeds

–   flour

–   rice

–   ½ tomato

–   salt, pepper, oil

–   pineapple


Start by cooking your rice. Either in a rice cooker or a pan. Rinse the rice. And put 1 ½  volume of water for 1 volume of rice. Put the tomato in small pieces and mix. Let it cook.


Cut your chcken breast in four big pieces. Dunk it in four, then in the egg yolk and roll them in the sesam seeds. Nuggets are ready.

Cook them with oil in a pan. Brown them on both sides.


When the rice is ready put some pepper and salt.


Use the separator to put some pineapple pieces on the other side of your bento box.


Ready to go!

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