Recipe : italian bento !

Jessy of the french blog bento , lunchbox , pique nique etc… and of the book bento recettes gourmandes gave us a bento recipe : Antipasti on a salad mix.

Melon, tomato with mozzarella di buffalla (much more tasteful than the usual one), 1 tsp olice oil, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, some balsamic leaves and a squid salad.

bento jessy masse

For a squid salad for 2 people :


1 oignon sliced with a soup spoon olive oil

200g squid (fresh or frozen)

150g of edaname


Brown it in a pan.


Add 2 tsp of tomato sauce or ketchup.


Reduce the flame and let it cook to heart.


Put salt and pepper and a spoon of balsamic vinegar and half tsp of sliced chilli.


Leave at least 6h in the fridge befor eating.


For dessert : A piece of home made chocolate fondant. Her secret ? For any chocolate fondant recipe and put salted butter instead of regular butter, 80g of less in your recipe and reduce sugar quantity to 120g.


“After days in the fridge it’s still delicious !”


Thank you Jessy !

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