Pantone tarts

mon bento emilie guelpa tartes pantone griottes


You probably already saw Emilie Guelpa’s Pantone tarts.  She made them and took pictures for the last publication of the French magazine Fricote’s.


Pantone® is a color chart called Pantone® Color Matching System. It has 800 colors that are, most of the time, called by three or four numbers and a letter. You may have already seen the Pantone mugs:


mon bento emilie guelpa tartes pantone griottes


Emilie, aka Griottes, chose the ingredients in the tarts in order to respect the color codes. The result is original and the recipe quite simple: shortcrust pastry for the savory tarts and cookie dough for the sweet ones. Some ingredients can be changed a bit from one recipe to the other for better taste.


A lot of her photographs and recipes (only in French sorry!) are available on her blog:Griottes {palettes culinaires}.

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