Nutrition: a key point for staying healthy!

These last few days, taking care of oneself has made even more sense! Feeling good in our minds and bodies is essential to approach this time at home serenely. We therefore propose a return to basics to maintain a good diet and stay in shape during a change of season not like the others!

Playing on flavours, creating balanced and varied meals from starter to dessert brings the right nutrients to our cells and this is essential to stay healthy.
While we are asked to go out as little as possible, going to the supermarket or grocery store to buy the little ingredient missing to embellish our recipe is complicated. It requires organization!

At monbento, we advise you to make a meal plan. This will not only allow you to do your shopping in one go, it will also allow you to adapt to your individual nutritional needs and take into consideration your family’s taste preferences. But what should you think about and what should you buy?

#1 – Natural Food: Prefer unprocessed food, if possible organic or without post-harvest treatment. These ingredients are easier to digest and therefore provide our body with much more energy!


#2 – Local and Seasonal food: You will get tastier dishes and moreover, value the work of the farmers in your region and all the same time reduce the carbon impact of the content in your plates!


#3 – Whole wheat food: They contain less starch and are richer in fiber. For whole grain, the kernels are milled in their entirety (i.e. with the husk and germ of the grain). The grains then provide many benefits, allowing to:

  • Fight fatigue
  • Maintain our nervous system and muscles in good working order
  • Contribute to the beauty of our skin
  • Stimulate digestive functions
  • Avoid the day’s snacking prevent avoid from snacking during the day

You can select bread, mueslis, pasta, rice, bulghur, cakes and pastries made from wholegrain.


#4 – Small pleasures: Bake your own cookies and cakes! They’re good for morale, made with your selected ingredients (not too fat or too sweet), and you know what’s in them!


We have given you some tips to elaborate your menus, But ! for better results, it is recommended to avoid turning too much to saturated fatty food such as butter, whole milk products or deli meats… Tasty and conforting of course and so easy to turn to when we are stuck at home …

Having time at home is an opportunity to try new recipes and change habits! So Why not t enjoy it and make it a time for pleasant opportunities with your family: involve the children in the preparation of some little dishes? We’re sure they’ll enjoy getting their hands sticky !

To accompany you in preparing yummy meals, we will regularly publish recipe ideas on our blog, so stay tuned! ?.

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