Japanese chopsticks

We always believe Japanese and Chinese chopsticks are the same but it is not really the case.


Even if chopsticks are from China, the Japanese ones are different. They used to be jointed in one piece at the end of the sticks.


Nowadays, chopsticks are divided in 2 pieces and made of different fabrics: bamboo, lacquered wood, or even in plastic, gold or coral. An other specificity of Japanese chopsticks is to be different for men and women. Women have shorter chopsticks than men.


Chopsticks are used in Japan to cook, eat and for the tea celebration. Different types of chopsticks correspond to those uses. It is easy to eat with chopsticks in Japan because food is cut in small piece that are easy to eat with chopsticks.


They are hold like this:


les baguettes japonaises mon bento

les baguettes japonaises mon bento


At the end of the meal, it is impolite to leave the chopsticks on the table or to stick them in a bowl of rice. It is better to put them on the bowl or plate or even on a chopsticks older.


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