For 2 people:
25 g of 70% cocoa chocolate (approximately 10 squares)
1 tablespoon of sugar powder
1 egg
Some chocolate candies or chocolate chips (optional!)
Step 1:
Separate the yolk.
Step 2:
In a little pot, melt the chocolate in a water bath.
Step 3:
Off the heat, add the egg yolk and the sugar powder in the pot. Mix thoroughly.
Step 4:
Beat the egg white and gently fold it into the chocolate mixture until obtaining a creamy mousse.
Step 5:
Fill 2 MB Tresor’s food cups (or 2 sauce cups MB Temple L, or 2 MB Silicase moulds 1/3) with the mousse and put into the fridge for at least 1 h.
Step 6:
Before tasting, arrange the mousse with chocolate chips or chocolate candies.
Claudine’s tips:
Taste your mousse with home-made little shortbreads!
Bon appétit!